What if the other driver was uninsured?

Unfortunately, we see this problem far too often. Our client is severely injured in a motorcycle accident that is not their fault, but the person that hit them doesn’t have car insurance. InMotorcycle Accident in Albuquerque New Mexico these situations, we must look to our client’s own insurance policy to see if it has uninsured motorist coverage. If uninsured coverage is available, we must look to our client’s own insurance company to be responsible for their medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering.

Many people are apprehensive about filing a claim against their own insurance company. However, we explain to them that it is important to understand that you pay your insurance premiums for a reason and have this coverage for a reason. That reason is for instances exactly like this when you need protection from the at fault driver who was uninsured.

Even when filing a claim with your own insurance company, it is critically important to hire an experienced Albuquerque motorcycle accident attorney to ensure that you are fully and fairly compensated for your injuries.