UPDATE - 12/30/2014: Keller & Keller is no longer reviewing or able to accept client cases involving the drug Rezulin. If you believe you have been harmed by Rezulin, first contact your doctor and then seek alternate legal advice. If you have questions related to drug-litigation that does not involve Rezulin, please contact us so that we can review your potential claim.

Rezulin was a drug that was used to treat type 2 diabetes before it was recalled on March 21 in the year 2000. After this drug resulted in serious problems and death for many of the patients taking it, the FDA then requested that the manufacturer stop selling their product.  Rezulin is an antihyperglycemic agent. It helps your body respond better to insulin and it reduces the amount of sugar produced by your liver. It can help control blood sugar levels. Rezulin is used to treat non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type II diabetes), along with diet and exercise, and insulin, a sulfonylurea, or metformin (Glucophage) if necessary.

Aside from liver failure, patients have suffered from other conditions as well. For example, Diarrhea, Pharyngitis, Rhinitis, Peripheral Edema, Asthenia, Urinary Tract Infection and other infections are just some of the many injuries that have resulted from normal dosages of Rezulin.

Side Effects
--abdominal pain
--breast enlargement in men
--abdominal pain
--coughing up or vomiting large amounts of blood
--curling up of the fingers
--dark urine
--hair loss
--jaundice (whites of the eyes and skin appear yellow)
--muscle wasting
--poor appetite
--redness of the palms of the hands
--salivary glad enlargement
--shrinking of the testicles
--spider-like veins in the skin
--unusual itching
--weight loss
--back pain

If you or a loved one has used the prescription drug Rezulin and noticed adverse side effects, such as those listed above, you should contact a physician immediately. If you wish to discuss your legal rights, are interested in more information on Rezulin litigation, or if you have information about a Rezulin case that you would like to share with us, please contact the law offices of Keller & Keller LLP for a free consultation concerning your potential rights. Keller & Keller LLP has office locations in Indiana, Michigan and New Mexico and will be able to evaluate your potential case at no cost to you.

James R. Keller
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Partner at Keller & Keller