“Hello, my name is Charles Burton and this is my story.
I’ve been riding motorcycles since I was 18-years-old. I am now 47.
I had a major motorcycle accident, and fortunately for me, I survived.
There did come a time when I had to choose an attorney. This was after my hospital stay, I was convalescing at home, ok, and I conducted an interview of several law firms. My third interview was a gentleman by the name of Jim Keller. I was just so impressed. I was so impressed by this interview, first and foremost with the confidence that you brought. You brought not only confidence demonstrating your ability, but you gave me confidence.
And it came down to me making a decision between Keller & Keller and another law firm. And I mulled over it, I ruminated, I marinated, all night long on this decision. And it came down to your preparation. That was the most impressive thing. It stood you apart from all the rest. It was your preparation. You delivered assurance to me that you were going to represent me, and not only represent me because that is what you do, but represent me because you cared. You gave me the impression that you actually cared, and you wanted to see me justly compensated for the negligence, for my injuries, for the whole experience.
These guys, you know, they are serious. And I want to congratulate Keller & Keller. I want to compliment Keller & Keller for doing such a great job on my case, and I had, you know, a tricky case.
I am very happy of the outcome, and you even went an extra mile, ok, to see to it that I was justly treated.
Not only will I choose Keller & Keller again, but I will refer and recommend Keller & Keller to any and everyone I know. If anyone comes to me and asks me for a law firm to represent their personal injury case, I will most definitely give you a five, no I’ll give you an eight-star. Yes, most definitely."