We’ve handled many motorcycle claims throughout the years for our clients, and they have been especially concerned about the loss of their bike. Many times the parts on the motorcycle were custom, and it’s not always as easy as just picking out another bike to replace the loss.
With regard to your damaged or lost bike, we will always be happy to offer advice in helping you settle your property damage claim. However, we typically advise our motorcycle clients that we can’t actively represent them with regard to the property damage portion of their claim. The reason for this is because if we represent you, then legally we would be obligated to take a fee which would leave you with less money for your bike. We understand that you need every dime recovered to repair your bike or get a new bike.
Remember, you have 2 separate claims related to your motorcycle accident: (1) a property damage claim, and (2) a personal injury claim. These claims can be handled and settled separately from one another.