The reason our Indianapolis motorcycle accident lawyers remain a valuable option for injured bikers and their families are simple: RESULTS.
Keller & Keller's commitment to motorcyclists' rights and our focus on one-of-a-kind client service has led to positive results for seriously injured bikers throughout Indiana.

Our experience with motorcycle personal injury cases has taught us that injured bikers seeking fair compensation for their accident have a much more difficult time than other accident victims. The reason for this is primarily attributed to unfair stereotypes that exist. (People often incorrectly assume motorcyclists are more likely to speed, be reckless, and are partly to blame for their accidents.)
Without an experienced Indianapolis motorcycle accident lawyer on your side, there's a good chance you will receive much less than what you deserve.
How an Indianapolis Motorcycle Accident Attorney Can Help
When you seek the help of an experienced attorney, you will avoid many of these challenges. Our team at Keller & Keller will thoroughly assess the extent of your injuries, will investigate the accident to gather clear evidence of the driver’s fault, and will directly address the potential biases of police officers, insurance adjusters, jury members, or judges involved with your case. Our attorneys know what to expect because they have handled many of these cases. If you are a motorcyclist who was injured in a crash with a car or truck, call one of our Indiana offices today. We are dedicated to the rights of bikers and would be happy to discuss your case.
Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Indiana
Motorcycle wrecks can happen in the blink of an eye—before the rider ever has a chance to react. Their small size makes them hard to see, their lack of safety features offer their riders little protection, and their two wheels and relatively lightweight make it easy for them to flip or skid. Here are some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents involving cars or trucks:
- Left turns. One of the most common and deadly causes of wrecks is when a driver fails to see an oncoming motorcycle and performs a left-hand turn in front of the rider. These types of accidents account for up to 42 percent of all car-motorcycle crashes.
- Lane changes. Cars and trucks can strike an unwary rider during a lane change, especially if the lane change is sudden.
- Rear-end accidents. Drivers may not see a motorcyclist stopped at an intersection ahead and strike the rear tire of the motorcycle, throwing the rider into cross traffic.
- Drunk drivers. Intoxicated drivers can barely operate their vehicle and have a hard time seeing or avoiding other cars, let alone a motorcycle.