Fleet Phospho-Soda Subject of Class Action Lawsuit in Canada

Experts believe as many as 7,000 patients have suffered kidney damage from using an over-the-counter laxative.

Now a group of Canadians is taking up the fight.

A class-action lawsuit has been filed against Fleet, the maker of Phospho-soda, and more patients are joining every day. A laxative commonly used to clear the bowels before a colonoscopy and other procedures, the medication is widely considered safe in a single dose.

But when two doses are administered, even as recommended, patients are put at higher risk of acute phosphate nephropathy. Fleet has already announced that it will no longer distribute and manufacture Phospho-soda in Canada.

The risks of oral sodium phosphates, the active ingredient in Phospho-soda, have recently become clear to the Food & Drug Administration in the United States. Those involved with the Canadian lawsuit claim that Fleet should have known, or perhaps did know, about the serious, permanent damage caused by their product.

One patient, a 52-year-old woman who used two doses of the product eight years ago, now has kidneys that are only functioning at 27 percent. Experts worry that many affected patients might still be unaware of their kidney damage.

Under the Hippocratic Oath, doctors pledge to do no harm. But when a physican improperly prescribes a medication or an incorrect dosage, he can do substantial harm to a patient.

The sick and injured have a reasonable expectation that the medical care they receive will help them, or at least not hurt. Medical malpractice respresents the most fundamental breach of the relationship between doctor and patient.

And those who have been victimized by the mistake of a professional in a health-care setting must act to protect their rights. If you're unsure about what to do, contact a qualified attorney who understands drug and malpractice cases.

A lawyer can explain the process and help you better understand the options available to you. Even if you decide not to pursue legal action, you should have all relevant information.

Victims who have been injured or sickened by Phosopho-soda might be entitled to a settlement. If the medication was prescrbed in a negligent manner, victims could recover medical bills, payments for pain and suffering and lost wages if they were unable to work.

If you've been injured or become ill after taking medication recommended by a doctor, you deserve representation from a qualified attorney. At the law firm of Keller & Keller, our team of defective medication attorneys can give you a free consultation today.

James R. Keller
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Partner at Keller & Keller
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