A new slew of veterans disability claims are now being filed by veterans who may have been infected with HIV at a Missouri VA Hospital. 

According to the John Cochran VA Medical Center, 1,812 veterans have been contacted by a letter advising them that due to their medical facility's failure to properly clean dental instruments, it's possible that they may have contracted HIV, Hepatitis B, and/or Hepatitis C.  

Hospitals like John Cohran that do dental work are required to sanitize equipment with special machinery such as an Autoclave that is designed to ensure a dental patient's safety and protection from infection. Some of the technicians at the VA hospital broke protocol by handwashing the instruments, and according to hospital representatives, the improper cleaning techniques were being used for over a year.



1. Any veteran who has a medical malpractice claim against John Cochran or other VA hospital needs to know that their claim is subject to the requirements of the Federal Tort Claims Act. Veterans who do not comply with the Federal Tort Claims Act’s notice requirements, will lose their chance to any and all disability and/or malpractice claims. 

2. A veteran that was injured by John Cochran or other VA will also likely have two claims; the first claim being the medical malpractice claim against the hospital, and the second being an appeal to obtain or increase their VA disability benefits.


James R. Keller
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Partner at Keller & Keller
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