Social Security Benefits Will Not Increase in 2010, 2011

Recipients of Social Security income will have to get by with their current benefits for the foreseeable future.

In May 2009, White House officials and the Congressional Budget Office suggested that beneficiaries of Social Security benefits will not receive cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) 2010 or 2011.

The move comes in contrast to a precedent which has seen increases every year since 1976. Increases are based on a formula established by law. In 2009, for example, COLA increases accounted for a 5.8 percent bump.

Many older Americans are already reeling from the impact of falling stock prices, rising healthcare costs and a turbulent real estate market. Now they have no choice but to tighten the belt until 2012.

A benefits freeze means that roughly 25 percent of Social Security recipients will face an increase in their Medicare Premiums. Federal law prevents premiums increases for Medicare Part B from exceeding COLA dollar amounts for only 75 percent of recipients.

Premiums for Medicare Part B patients are expected to rise over the next two years:

  • 2009 Medicare Part B Premium: $96.40
  • 2010 Medicare Part B Premium: $119 (predicted)
  • 2011 Medicare Part B Premium: $123 (preducted)

Millions more could face higher premiums for prescription drug coverage under Part D. 

The recession is also affecting Medicare's hospital insurance trust fund, which is funded through payroll tax. As businesses shed employees, or replace highly paid workers woth lower-paid workers, the fund is being depleted.

Officials with the Congressional Budget Off expect inflation to remain low for several years. A 1.4 percent increase in Social Security benefits is scheduled for 2012.

More than 50 million Americans receive Social Security benefits. The safety net system insures some form of income for every older American, based on his or her contributions made during working years.

As the so-called Baby Boom generation passes into its golden years, however, many analysts wonder whether the Social Security system can remain solvent. With fewer workers paying into the system, the federal government might have no choise but to adjust either contributions or distributions to make up the difference.

If you believe you're entitled to Social Security or Disability benefits, you might want a legal professional to help you through the process.

If you'd like to file an application or an appeal, contact the Social Security Disability attorneys at Keller & Keller. One of our qualified disability analysts can speak with you about your case.

James R. Keller
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Partner at Keller & Keller
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Deana 05/12/2009 02:29 PM
Politicians and gov't workers all across this nation should give up their cost of living increases as well, and their increases should not be any higher % than people on SS/medicare.They do not deserve life time pensions either.Let the greedy crooks in Washington and local governments live like the people they "serve" We are sick of being raped and pillaged by our gov't.and those evil greedy Wall Street gangsters and banksters.
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Richard 05/20/2009 09:19 PM
So with the "cost of living" going to a potential all-time historical high, social security recipients are "frozen" at their current income for possibly two or more years while government workers "receive" their automatic increases. Doesn't sound very fair to me! If you're "freezing" one groups income, freeze them all!!!
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Koreen 06/17/2009 02:51 AM
To put the Medicare coffers back in the black, remove ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS from the Social Security System. Only allow those who are in the USA legally and actually receive a paycheck to pay into the system that all of the rest of the American people were forced to pay into. Mosst of the illegals who are working are just sending the AMERICAN DOLLARS back to their own countries, so the money they make DOES NOT EVEN STAY IN THE US, but rather goes out of the US.. GIVE THOSE JOBS TO THE UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE IN THE US AND FORGET ABOUT MAKING IT SO EASY TO GET ON THE WELFARE ROLLS..... THEY ALONE ARE BREAKING OUR COUNTRY ~ ESPECIALLY THE MEDICARE SYSTEM WHIH WAS NOT INTENDED FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS BUT FOR HARD WORKING ARMERICANS TO PAY INTO TO SAVE FOR RETIREMENT. WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR DIS- LOYAL CONGRESS SAVING THEIR OWN BUTTS FOR THE NEXT ELECTION???????????
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Cathy 07/25/2009 09:03 PM
It is next to impossible to live right no won the 746.00 a month I get from SS. I worked almost 40 years for this little bit of money each month. I don't hardly know now how to keep eating now let alone how to continue doing so if we see NO raise for the next two years. Its easy to stop raises when the ones you stop are not your own!
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Beth Blanton 08/06/2009 04:06 PM
Money can be spent on junk cars, congress gets 2 new airplanes. Alien get SS.. Why in the world are the Senior Ciizens being denied a cost of living increase in 2010. We to would like new cars, but mostly we would like Bills can not be paid. Every one of your should get on your knee and pray This is not a nice thing Mr.President and you want to be relected. I really thought you were the one to bring things together. I don't think so any one. I know I am only one person, but, I am thoroughly disguested with the entire Administration.
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Cathy 08/06/2009 04:50 PM
The longer I think about this the more upset i get. Does this man just HATE seniors? I'm starting to think he does. First he wants to stop many of our health programs and reduce medicare and now he won't give us a raise for 2 years? I live alone and my SS is not enough to "live" on. It is barely enough to survive on but that is not living. I go no where. Not one time in the last year have I been able to even meet my friends and go out to eat dinner. By the time I pay rent, utilities, and buy medicines I have exactly 90.00 left to eat on for a month. This is what I worked 40 years for. Yes, I have a computer but it was a Christmas present from my kids. If I didn't have it then I really see not much reason to even get up everyday. I will not be voting this man back into office. I actually worked at democratic headquarters locally to help get him elected, but I am kicking myself every day for doing so.
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Ed Smith 08/07/2009 08:17 AM
Why doesn't the U.S. Congress just uncap the maximum salary people pay into Social Security. At present the maximum people pay into Social Security is $6,621. that's 6.2% of $106,800. annual pay. Social Security payments should have no cap, if you make over $106,800.00 a year you keep paying 6.2% on every thing you make a year. Example you make $500,000. a year you would pay $31,000. into Social Security. If you make $5,000,000. a year you would pay $310,000. into Social Security. If you made $10,000,000. a year you would pay $620,000. into Social Security. This would cure all the money problems Social Security has and allow a cost of living increase every year. My point is if you make more you pay more into Social Security. Who is fighting congress for us?
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Patricia 08/10/2009 03:13 PM
BRAVO. Ed Smith, for suggesting a great solution for SS - raise the percentage of those who make more than $106,800 to what everyone else pays. The history of our current situation began with Pres. Regan when he dramatically dropped the income tax on the most wealthy by more than half, and then doubled the SS tax on those earning $30,000 or less. Then Regan and Greenspan began borrowing the money from the SS Trust Fund and spending it for Gov't expenditures to NOT add to the deficit. The result by 2005 was a $1.7 TRILLION dollar I.O.U. to us, the seniors on SS. We need to be pro-active and put pressure on Congress, Pres. Obama and particularly the conservative politicians to pass a cost of living increase.
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Jimmy F 08/13/2009 09:43 PM
What are you thinking President Obama ?? I voted for you,I beleived in what you promised to all of us. Hit the fat cats that have been living off the less fortunate for years and years. Including all politicians who don't have to pay any Medical Insurance for life,for there families,FOR LIFE. With cost continuing to grow,how do you expect us to make it?? WE PAID OUR DUES in the form of Social Security Taxes taken out of paychecks for years ,in my case fifty five years. The President that you so greatly admire,President Rosevelt and First Lady Elenor started the Social Security RETIREMENT FUND FOR US NOT TO BE TAPPED INTO FOR OTHER FAILING PROGRAMS OR GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS !!!! Why the hell are we giving Social Security Benefits to illegal aliens who NEVER PAID INTO THE SYSTEM ?????? That's why were not getting a cost of living increase and possibly for two years, WHY WHY
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robert washburn 08/14/2009 02:42 PM
i agree that all seniors are getting screwed out of their c.o.l.a. you blow money here & there and then have the nerve to deny us the raise we deserve as much as any other gov. employee. i don't care what excuse you use. spend the money on us.
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robert washburn 08/14/2009 02:43 PM
i agree that all seniors are getting screwed out of their c.o.l.a. you blow money here & there and then have the nerve to deny us the raise we deserve as much as any other gov. employee. i don't care what excuse you use. spend the money on us.
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Patsy 08/18/2009 04:20 PM
I just got a letter telling me that I have to pay back over $600 because I made too much last year. Why is there a cap on what you can make? Seems to me it would be better to have someone working and paying in SS and not be penalized for it. We got a small stimulus check in June. That is why we will not get an increase for the next 2 years.
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emk 08/21/2009 01:22 PM
Isn't this special!!!! No increase in SS benefits, and no available jobs either. How can the government justify raises for themselves and ignore the people that need them the most....simple: pure greed. Seniors need to stop being treated as 2nd class citizens. We have all paid "our dues", and want and need what is rightfully ours. So what can we do about it????
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Don 08/23/2009 01:36 AM
Posted by Patricia on August 10, 2009 at 03:13 PM Sorry Patricia, the borrowing from social Security started long before Regan and Greenspan try your partisan rhetoric on someone else. All the bailing out, stimulus, cash for clunkers and printing money with no backing spells hyper inflation given to us from the change folks.
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Don 08/23/2009 01:36 AM
Posted by Patricia on August 10, 2009 at 03:13 PM Sorry Patricia, the borrowing from social Security started long before Regan and Greenspan try your partisan rhetoric on someone else. All the bailing out, stimulus, cash for clunkers and printing money with no backing spells hyper inflation given to us from the change folks.
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Florence 08/24/2009 03:52 PM
For 40 years, I worked for doctors in N.Y. and never received a pension, nor any insurance coverage in all that time, but me and my children could see any doctor on a courtesy basis, so I wasn't charged anything. At the time I thought it was great, but now that I am disabled and getting social security, I looked forward to a cost of living increase every year. I paid into Social Security for 40 years only to have the increases frozen for two years. Stop paying the bleeding hearts and sending money overseas to help the people who bombed us recuperate, for crying out loud, that is disgusting!! What about the United States of America's senior citizens? Obama, how would you like it if someone took the food out of your kids mouths?
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L. Hallee 08/25/2009 08:30 PM
I sure made a mistake voting for Mr. Obama. It won't happen again. I thought he said he would take care of the Seniors. What happened to all those promises.? Where did all the money come from to buy new cars and now new appliances? Is that more important than Seniors having enough to eat and to buy the medicine they need? How would he know? Just more lies!!!!!
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L. Hallee 08/25/2009 08:30 PM
I sure made a mistake voting for Mr. Obama. It won't happen again. I thought he said he would take care of the Seniors. What happened to all those promises.? Where did all the money come from to buy new cars and now new appliances? Is that more important than Seniors having enough to eat and to buy the medicine they need? How would he know? Just more lies!!!!!
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kathy 08/26/2009 12:36 AM
We are not receiving an increase in 2010? That is not fair some people have a disability and senior citizens need it to pay for their medication. Yes I have a phone as of right now but by next month I won't have it I can not afford it on what I get a month. I can't afford a vechile off what I get car insurance to expensive 106.00 a month for car insurance and trying to pay 165.00 month rent and 85.00 month electricity 50.00 month water and then have to buy food and I smoke cigarettes which cigarettes have sky rocketed if it was not for my cigarettes I would have a nervous break down with the stress over bills a month so you trying to get people off social security and go to work then get some jobs in here so people can go to work then. Stop sending them to Mexico and stop the illegal immigrants from coming over here so we can have jobs
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Ray 08/30/2009 08:34 PM
In response to Ed Smith's comment, "Why doesn't the U.S. Congress just uncap the maximum salary people pay into Social Security"? I would agree with him only if the monthly benefit received upon retirement was uncapped as well. That is to say, the amount you would receive each month would be solely dependent upon the amount one has contributed over the years. Several of the comments I have read regarding this issue point out how unfair it is that the Social Security funds are borrowed by the government and never repaid, that some people barely or do not contribute at all, yet still receive a benefit, or illegal aliens receive benefits, but should not be entitled. Well then, tell me how fair it is that I should be subjected to a tax that has no cap, yet I will receive the same monthly benefit as someone who has contributed much less. Yes, as I’m sure you have guessed, I have “hit the cap” the last couple of years. I make a good salary, but I am in no way wealthy. Just because I make a decent salary, I, and others in my position, should not be targeted to solve the fiscal predicament resulting from a mismanaged Social Security system.
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Anne 08/31/2009 09:34 PM
It's fine to say that Part B premiums will not increase becasue there is no COLA increase to be made, but that does not mean that the supplements we have are not going to increase and EVERY article I have read said there WILL be an increase in Part D premiums. Part D was designed because seniors could not afford medications and even with it you still have a cap after which you are required to pay 100% of all medications until you have paid out almost $1500.00. While this is better than nothing, we all know that drug costs will rise during 2010 and we are not going to see any assistance to pay for these additional costs.
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catherine 09/04/2009 05:59 AM
And this is why I didn't vote for OBAMA. No offence, I'm 28, at the time I was 27 and I could see the false promises he was making to everyone. My mother is on hospice and has been disabled since 93. She survives solely on her SS and has been helping to support my 5 month old son and myself since I had him and could not find a job that would provide me the benefits that I need to take care of us, with a COLLEGE degree. I voted for MCCAIN. I wanted someone with experience to lead our country and help us. But no, you all wanted change. I hope you all got the change you wanted. Now we are in this predicament, and yes, we were going downhill fast, but at least we were oblivious to how bad we truly were and we could still pay our bills and there were still jobs. It's pretty sad that in today's economy they are even cutting back TEACHERS. Who ever would have saw the day that we would have said that we couldn't afford teachers? Thank you to each and every person for voting for OBAMA. Enjoy your change.
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Tyler 09/05/2009 04:31 PM
I have been a conservative for fifteen years, I'm 27. I"m not surprised obama is doing this. Democrats are communists they claim there for the common man but that is the farthest thing from the truth. Wake up seniors vote Republican. If we had a Republican congress and president there would be a cost of living increase. You people are fools who don't recognize this. Now its to late. You democrats are pathetic!
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Rennard Cotton 10/08/2009 02:06 AM
Social Security should increase in 2010 and 2011,If Social Security don't increase in 2010 and 2011,USA Government will be in hot water,People and Senior Citizens will be mad,angry,and disappointed at the president Obama and the US Government.
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Diane Keichinger 10/13/2009 11:11 PM
Obama has nothing to do with the freeze on social security. It is based on the inflation rate, and because of the BUSH tere is no inflation just all the bad debt that he left us with. Diane
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Bob Booth 10/15/2009 12:20 PM
Is it a sure thing that there will be no increase or cost of living on social security in 2010 ? How is this determinded?
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Chitownguy 10/16/2009 05:01 PM
Well you almost all voted for Obama and you wanted change well here it comes for the bad not good and wth is the Stimulis? That was for jobs to increase? Ha another liar in office. Like he said I'll pull our military out of Iraq & Afganistan LMAO! Ok if u elect me i can BS All of you too. An Idiot that should not be in office like Nixon! Only worse!! Cause he has not been caught spying on his enemys yet! This will hurt the poorer people that elected him in the first place! And now 2010 and probley 2011 too! go Obama Go Away!
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Chitownguy 10/18/2009 01:38 PM
Diane i hate to tell you this but you are wrong it is Obama as he is trying to keep the Democrats happy with thier raises and all the other expenses that they want and get!The COLA-Cost of living has went Up Not Down!! Who do you and Obama and the others think they are fooling? No one with any sense. And not to mention the people that are out of work and on unemployment and the ones that are not counted as thier benefits have run out!Look at Gas prices and grocerys and the rent of apartments and houses and morgages and Foreclosures too! These ALL add up to the cost of living!Think before you speak up and or do some research first!
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Diane 11/08/2009 11:27 AM
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jaime 12/08/2009 05:46 PM
I just got the letter from social security and it says the reason for the freeze was because there was no rise in the cost of living this past year!!!!!!!!! Everyone who has gotten this letter was just straight up lied to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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charles brooks 12/27/2009 05:44 AM
Medciare has reduced payroll tax revenues in response to the concern. The tax revenues represent the main source of money for the fund. Spending on Social Security and Medicare totaled more than $1 trillion last year, accounting for more than one-third of the federal budget.
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Ed Smith 01/15/2010 08:37 AM
I think President OBAMA asked our House & Senate Reps. to vote to give all people on SS a $250.00 one time payment for 2010 but, the House & Senate have done nothing for us EXCEPT TO GIVE THEM SELVES A RAISE OF $4,700.00 TO ALL HOUSE MEMBERS AND $5,300.00 TO ALL SENATERS. I think they forgot who they work for so lets let them know who they work for the next time you vote.
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Ed Smith 07/11/2011 10:33 AM
I agree with Deana. These BUMS don't deserve a raise but, a 40% cut in pay including Obama. They can't get any thing done in Washington except approve more funding for more wars. Remember that's our money their throwing away. How do you people in Arizona keep voting for McCain ? He loves wars and he also loves funding wars with our money. He is way TOO OLD don't vote for the BUM or any other BUM we now have in Washington D.C.
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