How Long Do I Have to Settle My Dog Bite Claim?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 885,000 victims of dog bites require medical attention each year. When dog attacks occur, injured victims should seek medical attention immediately. Parents especially should ensure that their children receive proper care.
Specific Statutes Will Vary
Dog bite victims should not only be aware of their legal rights, but should also understand the State Statute of Limitations pertaining to their potential claim. Statutes of limitations restrict the time period in which a person can file a lawsuit for their dog bite case.
These statutes vary not only state to state, but also by cause of action. It is important that you contact an experienced attorney who can provide you specific timelines regarding your dog bite case. Not preserving your rights within your state’s specified statute of limitation will cause your dog bite claim to be barred from recovery forever.
Minors Have Unique Statutes of Limitations
Because dog bites are often associated with children, it is very important to understand the laws associated with minors. Except in cases of wrongful death, an unemancipated minor must file suit within two years of his or her 18th birthday. An “unemancipated minor” is a person under 18 who is not totally self-supporting. In cases where a minor is emancipated—or totally self-supporting—at the time of the injury, he or she must file suit within two years of the date when the injury occurred.
If you or a family member has been attacked by a dog, you deserve representation from a qualified Indiana dog bite attorney. Contact the law offices of Keller & Keller for a free consultation today.