Every Case Is Different
While every dog bite case has common factors, the length of time each case takes is different. The length of time an average dog bite case takes is highly dependent upon the nature and severity of the injuries and how long our client has to be under the care of a doctor. It is very important for people injured by dog bites to follow their doctor’s treatment plan until they have reached their maximum recovery. Especially in dog bite cases, it may take several months of healing before the extent of scarring can be revealed and the next steps in treatment, such as skin grafts and plastic surgery, can be discussed.
It is important to not settle a case prior to having evaluated the full extent of permanent scars and scar revision. This allows your attorney to better recover for the full extent of your damages. For this reason, it may take many months to even be able to obtain all of a client’s medical records.
The bottom line is that there is no fixed time associated with the successful conclusion of a dog bite case. Therefore, hiring an experienced Indianapolis dog bite lawyer is important.