Disturbing New Mexico Auto Accident Trends

According to the New Mexico Department of Transportation, 204 travelers have been killed in accidents between January 2014 and July 2014. That figure marks a 20 percent increase over the first seven months of 2013 when 170 deaths were reported. Investigators say alcohol was a factor in 86 of the fatalities.

Law enforcement agencies throughout New Mexico plan to step up their presence with saturation patrols on the municipal, county, state, and tribal levels.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney Immediately After Your Albequre Auto Accident

When fatal accidents occur, having the right New Mexico wrongful death attorney can make all the difference. 

First, insurance companies get involved quickly after an auto accident. Their goal is to limit the amount they will have to pay. By having a dedicated auto accident attorney on your side, you can receive the maximum compensation you.

Furthermore, insurance companies typically conduct an investigation in cases of fatal accidents. An investigation should also be conducted on behalf of the victim, or the victim’s family.

Finally, fatal accidents sometimes involve semi-trucks, which carry multi-million dollar insurance policies. A top-notch New Mexico personal injury attorney will uncover all policies applicable to your recovery.

Most importantly, New Mexico accident victims and their families are given the Keller & Keller Zero Fee Guarantee. That means you never pay for a consultation and we don’t get paid until we make a recovery for you.


James R. Keller
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Partner at Keller & Keller
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Xavier gar is 06/28/2020 04:01 AM
This was my mother
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