Having helped a large number of pregnant women with their auto wreck claims, we've witnessed heartbreaking examples of mothers losing their babies or giving birth to a baby that has physical or cognitive disabilities that are the result of a car crash. In most instances, our Indianapolis car accident attorney explains, if the crash had not happened, the baby would have likely been born without these injuries.
A Crash Can Harm an Unborn Baby
Unless the impact of a car crash is significant, it's very possible that the mother is banged up and the baby is fine. However, there are several medical emergencies an unborn baby may face following a car accident. When a pregnant woman hires us to represent her for an injury claim, it's typically because one of the following three scenarios have occurred:
- Premature labor and birth. The physical trauma and emotional stress of the car accident may have caused a premature birth—birth before 37 weeks of fetal development. Premature birth can cause any number of complications, including underdeveloped lungs and respiratory issues, pneumonia, jaundice, infection, hemorrhaging, underdeveloped digestive systems, anemia, heart issues, blindness, and sepsis.
- Miscarriage. While rare, car accidents can sometimes result in miscarriages for expectant mothers. Although babies are well protected by amniotic fluid, a miscarriage can occur if the mother is not wearing a seat belt, if the baby strikes the steering wheel, or if the mother is badly injured in the crash.
- Placental abruption. During a healthy pregnancy, the placenta is attached to the uterine wall. When a serious trauma such as a car accident takes place, the placenta can separate from the uterus. The signs of placental abruption include vaginal bleeding, pain, and labor-like symptoms. This medical condition requires immediate medical treatment.
Pregnant Women and Car Accident Statistics
Each year, thousands of pregnant women go to the emergency room or visit their doctor following a car accident and possible injury—and an estimated 2.5 percent of pregnant women are involved in some type of car accident during pregnancy. It is vital that you understand the risks associated with car accidents during pregnancy and that you carry sufficient car insurance to protect yourself and your baby. You should also seek medical care immediately following an accident.
Indianapolis Accident Lawyers for Pregnant Women
If you or your unborn baby were involved in a car accident, the first concern should always be the long-term health of your child, however, you may also have a serious personal injury claim. We provide FREE consultations to pregnant women involved in car accidents and there is never any pressure to hire us. We will evaluate your claim, offer you advice on what you SHOULD and SHOULDN'T do to protect your claim, as well as discuss any concerns you have about your unborn baby.
All of our car accident lawyers in Indianapolis work on a contingent fee basis, meaning there is never a fee for our work unless we make recovery for you and your unborn child.