Below are the answers to common initial questions many clients have when they first contact Keller and Keller. We hope that the information below address many initial concerns you may have, but if you don't find the answers here, please contact us with questions specific to your case. The consultation is free and confidential.
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How does Social Security determine if I am disabled?
Who decides if I am disabled?
Why does Social Security consider my age in determining whether I am disabled?
What do I do if Social Security denies my claim for Social Security disability benefits?
What is "Reconsideration?"
How long does it take to get a hearing on a Social Security disability claim?
What are my chances of winning at a hearing?
What is the Appeals Council?
I'm a Disabled Widow(er): Can I Get Disability Benefits?
How long does it take before Social Security makes a decision once I file a claim for Social Security disability benefits?
How dangerous is a motorcycle accident in comparison to an auto accident?
I ride a motorcycle recreationally, usually only on weekends. Do I have to wear a helmet?